Our Rules


Some procedures & rules to help you have the best experience w/us in becoming our next licensed driver!


Once your account is set up, (If you didn’t set up your account online) please LOG-IN to our system by clicking HERE to confirm your: 1)BASIC CONTACT INFO  2) PICK UP ADDRESS AND 3) LESSONS SCHEDULED, etc to ensure everything is set up the way you asked. Here you will be able to see all your info including 5 hr. class info, Road Test Dates, AND MAKE ONLINE PAYMENTS TOWARD BALANCES. If you haven’t received the request to create your password, or login. please search your email for emails from BrooklynDrives@yahoo.com.

REMEMBER, you are responsible to advise us if your address/phone #, etc. has changed. If we try to contact you about lessons, road tests, etc.. and are unable to, unfortunately you will still be responsible for any lesson/road test and/or “no show” charges.


  1. Your instructor will pick you up in a Toyota Corolla, with a sign that says “IMAGE DRIVING SCHOOL”. & “LEARNTODRIVE.com” on side of the car. Please allow a 10-MINUTE GRACE PERIOD to get to you, for traffic, etc., he/she will do the same for you! Contact us if you don’t see the instructor after 10 minutes after your scheduled lesson time.
  2. Your instructor will meet you IN FRONT OF THE PICK-UP LOCATION requested at the scheduled time, waiting for you to come to the car, he or she is not required to call you. Please look for the car, as the instructor may not recognize you especially if its your 1st lesson with him/her.
  3. Your lessons are scheduled for the times we have agreed to. Any changes of these lesson dates and times must be called in to our office at least a BUSINESS DAY BEFORE the lesson (while we are open). If you can not make your scheduled appointment, there will be a $20.00 charge imposed (as of 3/1/22) on your balance as a penalty for cancelling on the same day or not showing up for a lesson. (emails and/or texts to cancel lessons are not acceptable. Lessons must be cancelled by contacting us by phone during times we are not open. Any other means of notifying us will be counted as cancelling the same day, subject next business day). Please note the fees are basically payable to the instructor for the lost lesson and are not waivable!
  4. ATTIRE-Please remember that Crocks/Flip Flops/ or any “Open-Toe” shoes are not to be worn during lessons & road tests. DMV will disqualify you from taking the road test if you’re wearing any of the above.
  5. GENERAL LAW MISC– Although New York has recently legalized marijuana & concealed guns being carried- Under NO circumstances can you be under the influence and smoke (or recently smoked) before or during lessons. Instructors have the right to cancel a lesson if there is a suspected marijuana issue, and/or the student is carrying any weapon whatsoever.


  1. We will TEXT you a day before your lessons and/or Road Tests to confirm the times, address, and payment amounts due/balance, if we have permission to text you. If we cannot text you (if we dont have permission to text you),  you are responsible to check your online account to view this information.
  2. Lessons and Road Tests will not be given if the amounts due/balances are not paid (and 5 hr class certificates will not be returned or issued).
  3. If you do not cancel or reschedule the lesson or test at least the day before-unfortunately, it will count as a cancel same day/no show and subject to the no show fee described above, or a rescheduling fee for road tests. If the lesson is rescheduled for another time in the day with a different instructor, the fee is still CHARGED for the original lesson that was scheduled. The fee must unfortunately be paid to the original instructor for cancelling the original lesson.
  4. If you no show/cancel lessons the same day more than TWO TIMES in a row, we reserve the right to cancel all future lessons scheduled, as to avoid the $20.00 no show fee on those future lessons, and to free up available lessons for students who need the spots. The assigned instructor also reserves the right to request that you no longer be on his/her schedule for future lessons.


  1. You MUST TAKE THE 5-HR CLASS before we (or you) can schedule a road test appointment. We now offer the class “in-person” and through ZOOM. (as of 7/7/21)
  2. Road Tests can take anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks to get a road test appointment (currently as of 2024), depending on the time of year you schedule it. Please keep this in mind when scheduling lessons, if you want lessons closer to your road test date! EARLY ROAD TESTS are available for an extra fee (usually within 10 days/fees currently being waived as of 2024-subject to change)
  3. Early Road Tests – are available (usually with 10 days) at an extra charge of $40.00. These are only for people that are flexible and available ANYDAY/ANYTIME! We cannot offer a specific date or time, but if you unavailable for a certain day- you can advise and we can avoid a certain day. Otherwise, all appointments made are charged the appointment booking fee. If you are unavailable for the day or time scheduled, you can reschedule the road test at an additional early or regular road test scheduling fee cost.
  4. After two (2) road tests taken, you must pay DMV (not us) a $10.00 fee to be able to take 2 more road tests. This is called a “skills test fee” that any student can pay directly by clicking HERE.


  1. For any extra lessons that you book above the number of lessons in your package, you will receive a DISCOUNT, based on the package that you have purchased.
  2. There is a CHARGE for EVERY TIME the school schedules a road test for you, whether you take the road test on that scheduled day or not. Packages include 1 appointment scheduled in the Starrett/Seaview/Beverly Road/Ditmas road test sites. (full charge for early road tests made also if applicable).
  3. If you requested an Early Road Test– each early road test made is subject to the additional early road test charge plus the regular road test appointment scheduling fee, unless otherwise advised.


AS OF 2024-Masks are optional. If anyone wishes to wear a mask during a driving lesson, it is a personal choice and will not be frowned upon. For the instructors, masks are also optional and is a personal choice. We will update this rule when deemed appropriate. Thank you for your patients and understanding. We are only looking out for everyone’s health and safety.


PACKAGE CHANGES-We do allow for a package “upgrade” to a bigger package after taking your first lesson, as it is better to get the instructors opinion to confirm how many lessons you need. After this lesson, any additional lessons are added at the discounted lesson rate within your package.

PACKAGE CLOSURES– Although you do not lose any credit you have on your account, unfortunately we must close your account after 3 months of no lesson activity or if the package has been completed (after taking road test on a complete package or after taking last lesson of a lesson only package). If our prices have changed, you may continue the package, but the unused part of the package, and any additions to the package, must be at the new updated rates on the package you qualify for. If the package is “completed” then you can continue the package based on the updated prices for the original package you had.

REFUNDS– If a package is voided, or not completed. any refund will be calculated based on the closest qualifying package discount we can apply based on the items used in the package, unless no package qualifies. Any refund must be credited the way it was paid (by credit card/online refund/or cash if applicable)


  1. We do not accept checks within 1 week of your road test and/or lessons that have payments due for that lesson or any lessons within a week, but balances and payments can be paid online or by cash or credit/debit.
  2. There is a $25 minimum amount charged if for any reason that the road test is not able to be taken. (like students permit is suspended/missing paperwork and or permits/road test was cancelled by student prior to test, etc.)

Remember we offer:

  1. Low Cost Auto, Cycle, Home, and Business Insurance.
  2. DMV Transactions,
  3. Mortgages,
  4. Uncontested Divorces,
  5. Defensive Driving Courses,


Thank You for selecting us to teach you how to drive. Good Luck!

— Select Services Agency And Image Driving School